How to Login to Websense Appliance via Putty and WinSCP

*To login in appliance with Putty:* First login to putty on C interface and use websense-ts as username. Use password provided by the Websense Support. Use su – and password is websense#123. This will login to appliance but not on WCG dom. To login on WCG Module - On prompt type ssh root@ a Password is websense#123. To login on WWS Module - On prompt type ssh root@ a Password is websense#123. To login on NA Module appliance - On prompt type ssh root@ a Password is websense#123.

To Upload the file using winscp: To upload the file on v10k appliance, use Winscp, once you open Winscp, in the first screen give Hostname: à username = root à password websense#123 Then click on Advance options à Tunnel à Connect through SSH tunnel. In hostname specify C interface IP, username websense-ts and specify above password. Then login and upload the file. It will directly upload the file in WCG dom